VeRoViz leverages a number of fantastic applications, almost all of which are open-source. In particular, we'd like to acknowledge the following:
- Mapping
- Cesium - An open-source JavaScript library for 3D maps.
- leafletJS - JavaScript library for interactive maps.
- Leaflet polylineDecorator - A Leaflet plug-in to define and draw patterns on existing Polylines or along coordinate paths.
- Elevation Data
- Elevation-API.
- USGS Elevation Point Query Service. Elevation data for the United States.
- Navigation data
- MapQuest - APIs for navigation directions and geocoding.
- OpenStreetMap - Map services curated by the community of mappers.
- OpenRouteService - APIs for directions and time-distance matrices.
- OSRM - Routing engine for shortest paths in road networks.
- pgRouting - pgRouting extends the PostGIS/PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing functionality.
- Leaflet icon providers
- Python libraries/packages
- folium - Creates leaflet.js maps from Python.
- matplotlib - Python visualization library.
- geopy - Python geocoding tools.
- numpy - Python package for scientific computing.
- pandas - Data structure and data analysis tools for Python.
- psycopg2 - PostgreSQL database adapter for Python.
- scipy
- tripy - Python module for triangulating polygons.
- urllib3 - HTTP client for Python.
- Map tile providers
- Weather data provider