
About VeRoViz

VeRoViz is an open-source project from the Optimator Lab, in the University at Buffalo's Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering.

This project began in 2018 as a tool for our research lab. It is still under heavy development; we will post a roadmap of future enhancements soon.

The prototypical VeRoViz user is someone who is developing models, algorithms, or heuristics for a vehicle routing problem (entities that move between locations). Sketch can also be used as a teaching tool in the classroom to introduce vehicle routing concepts.

The aim of VeRoViz is to help such a user
  • obtain road network data,
  • sketch the locations of nodes (e.g., customers and depots),
  • visualize arcs (connections) among these nodes,
  • generate 3D movies showcasing solutions to vehicle routing problems,
  • quickly generate test problems and distance (and/or time) matrices.

VeRoViz is not an optimization package. If you're interested in vehicle routing solvers, you might consider GraphHopper or Vroom.


  • For general inquiries, send email to: info@veroviz.org.
  • Follow VeRoViz on Twitter: @veroviz_org
  • We use a GitHub issue tracker to monitor bugs and enhancement requests. Please report any issues you encounter or let us know of any new features you'd like us to incorporate in VeRoViz.

About Us

Chase Murray

VeRoViz Project Director

Assistant Professor

Industrial and Systems Engineering

University at Buffalo

Lan Peng

VeRoViz Lead Developer

Ph.D. Student

Industrial and Systems Engineering

University at Buffalo

We hope that VeRoViz adds value to your vehicle routing research. As always, we welcome your feedback (in the form of comments about how you're using the tool, issues you're experiencing, or ideas for new functionality).

How to Cite VeRoViz

If you're using VeRoViz in your research, please consider adding a citation. Our manuscript for VeRoViz is currently under review. You may view this manuscript on SSRN. Until this paper appears in a journal, you may cite VeRoViz with the following BibTeX entry:

    title        = {{VeRoViz}: A Vehicle Routing Visualization Toolkit}, 
    author       = {Lan Peng and Chase Murray},
    year         = {2020},
    howpublished = {\url{https://ssrn.com/abstract=3746037}},
    note         = {Accessed: 2021-01-04}

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm having trouble installing VeRoViz. Can you fix it for me?
  • We can try, but please note that this isn't a business. We have produced this software in our free time; our "regular" jobs take priority. For that reason, we have released this software as-is, with no warranty.

    With that said, please do follow the installation guide carefully, paying close attention to the prerequisites. If you have suggestions for improving the quality of the installation guide, we're happy to get your feedback.

    If that doesn't work, you are welcome to submit an issue report. Please provide sufficient detail to help us understand your issue. For example, which operating system are you using? What version of Python do you have? What commands did you issue that caused the issue? What error messages did you receive?

  • How much does this service cost?
  • VeRoViz is free.

  • Is the source code available?
  • Yes.

  • Why did you create this?
  • We started this project for a purely selfish reason: To help the members of our research lab more easily test, validate, and visualize our vehicle routing problems. However, we quickly realized that this tool could be quite helpful for other researchers. We continue to commit our time to this project as a service to the vehicle routing community.

  • What are the system requirements?
  • We actively maintain our documentation, which contains detailed information on system requirements, an installation guide, example code, and tutorials.

  • Does VeRoViz do optimization?
  • No, VeRoViz is not a vehicle routing solver. You're probably working on a problem that our team hasn't even thought of. There are some other packages that seek to provide generalized vehicle routing solver capabilities (e.g., GraphHopper or Vroom).

    Our goal with VeRoViz is to help you generate test problems and easily visualize these. In a sense, we provide the tools for creating and viewing the problems; you provide the tools for actually solving these problems.

  • How can I cite VeRoViz in my work?
  • We appreciate citations. It helps us know that our tool is helpful to others.

    To make it easy to cite VeRoViz, we've provided a sample BibTeX entry that you may copy/paste.

  • Who are you?
  • VeRoViz is developed and maintained by Chase Murray and Lan Peng (link). Dr. Murray is the director of the Optimator Lab in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University at Buffalo. Lan Peng is a Ph.D. student working on vehicle routing problems involving the use of drones for small parcel delivery.

  • How should I request new VeRoViz features?
  • We love to hear your ideas for making VeRoViz even better. If you have an idea, please submit a request via our GitHub issue tracker.

  • How do I report a bug or issue?
  • Your bug reports help us to keep VeRoViz running smoothly. Please provide a detailed report via our GitHub issue tracker.

  • How can I be notified about VeRoViz news? Is VeRoViz on social media?
  • We send out a periodic email (about once per quarter) with new feature information and links to tutorials/examples. If you'd like to receive these emails, please join our mailing list. We don't sell (or even share) your email with anyone else. Privacy is important to us.

    You can also follow us on Twitter @veroviz_org.

  • What are your plans to port VeRoViz to a programming language other than Python?
  • As of right now, we have no such plans. However, VeRoViz is open-source (all source code is available on github). We'd be thrilled if you'd like to contribute to the project by translating some of the VeRoViz functionality to another programming language.

  • VeRoViz has really helped in my research. How can I thank you?
  • 1. Please send us an email and let us know! We love to hear how you're using VeRoViz.

    2. Cite VeRoViz in your research papers. Citations help us to justify the tremendous number of hours spent developing this application.

    3. Buy us a cup of coffee next time we see each other at a conference.

Change Log

The current version of VeRoViz is 0.4.5 (released April 2, 2021)

  • Version 0.4.5 (2021-04-02)
    • Added "minutely" weather forecast data as output from `getWeather()` function, and fixed a bug where some output data were being nested as dictionaries in a column.
  • Version 0.4.4 (2021-02-16)
    • Minor release to fix a bug in `createAssignmentsFromNodeSeq2D()` where 'wheelchair', 'pedestrian', and 'cycling' routeType options were not working properly.
  • Version 0.4.3 (2020-12-30)
    • This minor release introduced five new functions, but was mostly about fixing some more bugs.
    • New utility functions:
      • `assignmentsToPaths()`: Returns a dictionary of lists of paths. The dictionary's keys are objectIDs found in the 'assignments' dataframe. For each 'objectID', a list is provided. This list will contain one or more paths associated with that objectID. If the objectID does not have any consecutive rows in the 'assignments' dataframe where the ending location differs from the starting location in the next row, then there will be only one path. This function was created to make it easier to use functions like `closestPointLoc2Path()` and `minDistLoc2Path()`, which require paths as inputs.
      • `arcsToPaths()`: Like `assignmentsToPaths()`, but using an `arcs` dataframe as an input.
      • `nodesToLocs()`: Returns a list of lists (i.e., locations) from a nodes dataframe, of the form [[lat,lon,alt], ..., [lat,lon,alt]].
      • `closestPointLoc2Assignments()`: Finds the point along each path of an assignments dataframe that is closest to a given location.
      • `closestPointLoc2Arcs()`: Like `closestPointLoc2Assignments()`, but using an `arcs` dataframe as an input.
    • Corrected an issue with the `nearestNodes()` function, where the wrong nodes were being returned if the nodes dataframe contained a subset of the nodes in the cost dictionary.
    • Fixed bug in `createAssignments()` function where the `orsGetElevation()` function was not imported.
    • Fixed bug in `createGantt()` function that was exposed by a recent update of `matplotlib`. The number of y-axis tick marks now correctly matches the number of y-axis labels.
    • Fixed bug in the `closestPointLoc2Path()` function, where an error would occur if two consecutive points in the path were actually the same location.
    • Fixed bug in `createNodesFromLocs()`, where `startNode` was not allowed to equal zero.
    • Updated docstring from the `addLeafletIsochrones()` function, which now provides a reference to the `isochrones()` function.
    • Improved validation of inputs to `createAssignmentsFromLocSeq2D()` function. It was not properly detecting if an invalid `dataProvider` was given.
    • Increased DPI on Gantt charts (`createGantt()`) to improve image quality/size.
    • Fixed two bugs in `createCesium()`:
      • The first was induced by Version 0.4.2, where the process of escaping single quotes was causing problems if the data were not of type `string`.
      • The second was related to the `cesiumIconText` field of a nodes dataframe was not being used to display text in the pins in Cesium.
    • Corrected an issue in `getElevationDF()` where an error was thrown if there was no elevation data missing from the input dataframe. The function now has a new input argument, `replaceOnlyNone`, which defaults to be `True`. In this case, the user is warned if there's no missing elevation data (i.e., there's nothing to do). If `False`, all elevation data will be updated.
    • Corrected an issue in calculating distances using geopy, where locations with differing altitudes were causing an error.
    • Fixed an issue in `createLeaflet()`, `addLeafletCircle()`, and `addLeafletMarker()` where popup text wasn't being displayed.
  • Version 0.4.2 (2020-07-27)
    • This minor release fixed some minor bugs.
    • Associated with the `createCesium()` function:
      • Now checks for the existence of Cesium by looking for either `server.js` or `server.cjs`.
      • Escapes single quotes in `cesiumIconText` `popupText` fields. These were causing javascript errors in Cesium.
    • Associated with validation:
      • `createArcsFromNodeSeq` now requires the existence of a `nodes` dataframe.
  • Version 0.4.1 (2020-06-18)
    • Added `nearestNodes()` function to utilities. Finds k nearest nodes (based on either time or distance) from a given node or location.
    • Fixed bug associated with gathering road information when querying ORS (both online and local) for shapepoint info.
    • Moved `initDataframe()`, `exportDataframe()`, `getMapBoundary()`, `convertDistance()`, `convertSpeed()`, and `convertTime()` to private functions within `_utilities.py`; pointed to these private functions when validation was not required. This change was made to resolve circular references, where `utilities` imported a library that was also dependent upon `utilities`.
    • Added new function, `setGlobal()`, to facilitate setting of global config values. This function accepts a dictionary as an input. The key corresponds to a global VeRoViz setting parameter. This makes it easier for users to change default values for Leaflet entities and default settings. All the settings are saved in a dictionary named config. Changes to default config settings are temporary (i.e., lasting only for a particular session).
  • Version 0.4.0 (2020-05-01)
    • This major release focused on adding new data (including elevation and weather), and adding new functions.
    • Added integration with new data providers:
      • Added 'ORS-local' as a valid dataProvider. This is a locally-installed version of the OpenRouteService online API ('ORS-online'). See https://ask.openrouteservice.org/t/getting-started-with-ors-via-docker-and-localhost/1415/11 for more information on installing ORS locally. The local version supports the following:
        • Snap to nearest road,
        • Isochrones (Note that 'total_pop' data is available from the online API, but is missing from the local implementation),
        • Find shapepoints (Note that 'wheelchair' routing is an option in the online API, but is not enabled in the local implementation), and
        • Travel time/distance matrices (Note that there is no 'wheelchair' option in the local implementation)
      • The following functions are supported by 'ORS-online', but are not in 'ORS-local':
        • `geocode()`
        • `reverseGeocode()`
        • `getElevation()`
      • OpenWeatherMap
      • Elevation-API
      • USGS
    • New Utility functions:
      • `isochrones()` - Finds isochrones (lines corresponding to points of equal distance or time from a given location) to or from a given location.
      • `createGantt()` - Draws a Gantt chart from an `Assignments` dataframe. This has the appearance of a horizontal bar chart. The x-axis indicates the elapsed time. Each `objectID` forms a horizontal bar.
      • `getElevationLocs()` - Finds the elevation, in units of meters above mean sea level (MSL), for a given location or list of locations.
      • `getElevationDF()` - Replaces missing (`None`) values for elevation columns of the provided dataframe. New values are in units of meters above mean sea level (MSL).
      • `closestPointLoc2Path()` - Finds the point along a given line that is closest to a given location. Returns the [lat, lon] coordinates of the point, and the corresponding distance (in [meters]) from that point to the line.
      • `closestNode2Loc()` - Returns the closest node in the dataframe to the given location. Also returns the Euclidean distance (in [meters]) from the location to the nearest node.
      • `lengthFromNodeSeq()` - Calculate the total "length" (either in time or distance) along a path defined by a sequence of node IDs.
      • `calcArea()` - Calculate the area, in square meters, of a polygon.
      • `getWeather()` - Get weather information (current and forecasted) for a specified [lat, lon] location.
    • New Leaflet-related functions:
      • `addLeafletIcon()` - Add a single icon/pin to a Leaflet map.
      • `addLeafletIsochrones()` - Easily draw isochrones on a Leaflet map. Be sure to run the `isochrones()` function first.
      • `addLeafletWeather()` - Adds map tiles showing weather conditions to a Leaflet map. Weather tiles are obtained via openweathermap.org (an API key is required).
    • Dataframe Changes: Several new columns were added to the existing VeRoViz dataframes.
      • Assignments:
        • Added `ganttColor` column. Defaults to 'darkgray'. Used to specify colors in `createGantt()` function.
        • Added `popupText` column. Defaults to `None`.
        • Added `startElevMeters` and `endElevMeters` columns. Default to `None`.
        • Added `wayname`, `waycategory`, `surface`, `waytype`, `steepness`, and `tollway` columns, from OSM data.
      • Nodes:
        • Added `popupText` column. Defaults to `None`.
        • Added `elevMeters` column. Defaults to `None`.
      • Arcs:
        • Added `popupText` column. Defaults to `None`.
        • Added `startElevMeters` and `endElevMeters` columns. Default to `None`.
    • Updates/Changes to existing functions:
      • Added 'wheelchair' and 'shortest' `routeType` options for 'ORS-online'.
      • `addStaticAssignment()` - Now includes a parameter to specify `ganttColor`.
      • `createLeaflet()` - Now includes `popupText` for nodes, arcs, and assignments. New node icons are now available (circular markers with text).
      • `createCesium()` - Now includes `popupText` for nodes and routes.
      • `addLeafletCircle()` - Added options to include displayed and "popup" text labels. These are in the `popupText`, `text`, `fontSize`, and `fontColor` arguments.
      • `addLeafletMarker()` - Added options to include displayed and "popup" text labels. These are in the `popupText`, `text`, `fontSize`, and `fontColor` arguments.
      • `addLeafletPolygon()` - Added `popupText` option to display text when the polygon is clicked.
      • `addLeafletPolyline()` - Added `popupText` option to display text when the polygon is clicked.
      • The following functions allow specification of curved arcs in Leaflet:
        • `addAssignment2D()`
        • `addAssignment3D()`
        • `createAssignmentsFromArcs2D()`
        • `createAssignmentsFromNodeSeq2D()`
        • `createAssignmentsFromLocSeq2D()`
        • `createArcsFromNodeSeq()`
        • `createArcsFromLocSeq()`
        • `getShapepoints2D()`
        • `getShapepoints3D()`
      • `generateNodes()` now includes an option for "roadBased".
    • New imports/libraries:
      • Added matplotlib, as required by new `createGantt()` function.
    • Bug fixes and minor changes:
      • Fixed bug in validation for `getConvexHull` (`valGetConvexHull()`).
      • In `createLeaflet()`, it is now OK if neither nodes, arcs, nor boundingRegion are specified.
      • Added validation for all Utility functions. Now checks for existence of required inputs.
      • Added validation for lists of lat/lon coordinates (`_valLatLonList()`). Now checks for existence of list of lists.
      • Cesium colors no longer require the 'Cesium.Color' prefix.
  • Version 0.3.1 - (2019-11-12)
    • Corrected typo error in findLocsAtTime() function.
  • Version 0.3.0 - (2019-11-11)
    • This version adds new functionality through several new functions:
      • `createAssignmentsFromNodeSeq2D()`
      • `createAssignmentsFromLocSeq2D()`
      • `createAssignmentsFromArcs2D()`
      • `geocode()`
      • `reverseGeocode()`
      • `addAssignment2D()`
      • `addAssignment3D()`
      • `findLocsAtTime()`
    • Important note: `arcs` dataframes now include/require the `objectID` field, for better integration with `assignments` dataframes. `arcs` dataframes saved with an older version of veroviz will throw an error when importing (due to the absence of the `objectID` column in those old dataframes).
    • This release also includes some minor bug fixes which do not affect functionality.
    • Note that the `buildAssignments` module has been renamed to `createAssignments`.
  • Version 0.2.2 - (2019-10-19)
    • Corrected error in createCesium() function that occurred if only stationary objects were added (no nodes).
  • Version 0.2.1 - (2019-10-15)
    • Replaced nonconforming double-quote character (\xe2) in the docstring of generateNodes.py. This was causing installation issues for some users. This change does not affect any functionality.
  • Version 0.2.0 - (2019-10-14)
    • Initial Release (no "changes")