veroviz.createCesium module

createCesium(assignments=None, nodes=None, startDate=None, startTime='08:00:00', postBuffer=30, cesiumDir=None, problemDir=None, nodeColor=None, nodeStyle=None, pathColor=None, pathWeight=None, pathStyle=None, pathOpacity=None)[source]

This function generates several files required to view a solution in Cesium. The function requires assignments and/or nodes dataframes as input.

  • assignments (Assignments, Conditional, assignments and nodes can not be None at the same time) – An Assignments dataframe describing vehicle movement over time. The assignments will be displayed as routes/paths in Cesium. If a 3D model is defined in the modelFile column of the assignments dataframe, this object will also be displayed.

  • nodes (Nodes, Conditional, assignments and nodes can not be None at the same time) – A Nodes dataframe describing the locations of nodes. These nodes will be displayed on the map in Cesium.

  • startDate (string, Optional, format is "YYYY-MM-DD", default as today) – Defines the start date to be displayed in Cesium.

  • startTime (string, Optional, format is "HH:MM:SS", default as '08:00:00') – Defines the time at which the Cesium video begins, on the start date.

  • postBuffer (int, Optional, default as 30) – Specifies the additional time (in seconds) that the Cesium video will continue to run after the last assignment is completed.

  • cesiumDir (string, Required, default as None) – This should be the full absolute path to the directory where Cesium is installed. For example, for Windows it might be “D:/Cesium”; for Linux it might be “/home/user/Cesium”.

  • problemDir (string, Required, default as None) – The path name of the generated problem directory. This path is relative to the root of Cesium. For example, if cesiumDir = ‘/home/user/Cesium’ and problemDir = ‘veroviz/problems/TSP’ then the files will be generated in the directory ‘/home/user/Cesium/veroviz/problems/TSP’.

  • nodeColor (string, Optional, default as None) – Overrides the cesiumColor column of the input nodes dataframe. This will define the color of all nodes displayed in Cesium. See Cesium Style for the collection of available colors.

  • nodeStyle (string, Optional, default as None) – Overrides the cesiumIconType column of the input nodes dataframe. Currently, the only option is ‘pin’.

  • pathColor (string, Optional, default as None) – Overrides the cesiumColor column of the input assignments dataframe. This will define the color of all arcs displayed in Cesium. See Cesium Style for the collection of available colors.

  • pathWeight (int, Optional, default as None) – Overrides the cesiumWeight column of the input assignments dataframe. This will define the weight (in pixels) of all arcs displayed in Cesium. See Cesium Style for more information.

  • pathStyle (string, Optional, default as None) – Overrides the cesiumStyle column of the input assignments dataframe. This will define the style of all arcs displayed in Cesium. See Cesium Style for available options.

  • pathOpacity (float in [0, 1], Optional, default as None) – Overrides the cesiumOpacity column of the input assignments dataframe. This will define the opacity of all arcs displayed in Cesium. See Cesium Style for more information.


Return type



This function generates the following files within the directory specified by input argument problemDir:

  • [problemDir].vrv (where [problemDir] is replaced by the value of problemDir);

  • config.js

  • displayNodes.js

  • displayPath.js

  • routes.czml

Instructions for starting Cesium are provided at


Import veroviz and check the latest version.
>>> import veroviz as vrv
>>> import os
>>> vrv.checkVersion()
Create two nodes.
>>> myNodes = vrv.createNodesFromLocs(
...     locs = [[42.1538, -78.4253],
...             [42.6343, -78.1146]])
>>> myNodes
Move the truck from one node to the other.
>>> myAssignments = vrv.getShapepoints2D(
...     odID           = 0,
...     objectID       = 'truck',
...     modelFile      = 'veroviz/models/ub_truck.gltf',
...     modelScale     = 80,
...     modelMinPxSize = 20,
...     startLoc       = list(myNodes.loc[0][['lat', 'lon']].values),
...     endLoc         = list(myNodes.loc[1][['lat', 'lon']].values),
...     routeType      = 'euclidean2D',
...     dataProvider   = None,
...     speedMPS       = vrv.convertSpeed(55, 'miles', 'hr', 'm', 's'))
Create Cesium output.
>>> vrv.createCesium(
...     assignments = myAssignments,
...     nodes       = myNodes,
...     startTime   = '08:00:00',
...     cesiumDir   = os.environ['CESIUMDIR'],
...     problemDir  = 'createCesium_example')