Cesium Style

Cesium Colors

See the cesium color documentation here for all available color options.

Cesium Node Icons

VeRoViz currently uses PinBuilder from Cesium, which only supports icons with short strings (e.g., a number, or a short symbol like “?” or “!”). These short strings should be denoted in the cesiumIconText column of a Nodes dataframe. Note that cesiumIconText differs from leafletIconText, in that the former will display text that is visible directly within the icon itself, while the latter will only be displayed if you click on the icon.

Cesium Assignment Models

VeRoViz ships with the following 3D models, which may be specified in the modelFile column of an Assignments dataframe:




UB truck


drone (without package)


drone (with package)


red car


green car


blue car


blue box


yellow box


black rectangle


white rectangle


red rectangle


green rectangle


blue rectangle


black wedge


white wedge


red wedge


green wedge


blue wedge

Cesium Line Styles

The following line styles are available: ‘solid’, ‘dashed’, ‘dotted’