veroviz.getTimeDistScalar2D module

getTimeDistScalar2D(startLoc=None, endLoc=None, outputDistUnits='meters', outputTimeUnits='seconds', routeType='euclidean2D', speedMPS=None, dataProvider=None, dataProviderArgs=None)[source]

Returns scalar values of time and distance between 2 points in 2 dimensions.

  • startLoc (list, Required, default as None) – The starting location, expressed as either [lat, lon] or [lat, lon, alt]. Differences in altitude between the starting and ending locations will be ignored (this is a 2D function).

  • endLoc (list, Required, default as None) – The ending location, expressed as either [lat, lon] or [lat, lon, alt]. Differences in altitude between the starting and ending locations will be ignored (this is a 2D function).

  • outputDistUnits (string, Optional, default as 'meters') – Specifies the desired distance units for the function’s output. Valid values are ‘meters’, ‘m’, ‘kilometers’, ‘km’, ‘miles’, ‘mi’, ‘feet’, ‘ft’, ‘nm’, and ‘nmi’ (nautical miles). See Units for options and abbreviations.

  • outputTimeUnits (string, Optional, default as 'seconds') – Specifies the desired time units for the function’s output. Valid values are ‘seconds’, ‘hours’, and ‘minutes’. See Units for options and abbreviations.

  • routeType (string, Optional, default as 'euclidean2D') – This describes a characteristic of the travel mode. Possible values are: ‘euclidean2D’, ‘manhattan’, ‘fastest’, ‘shortest’, ‘pedestrian’, ‘cycling’, and ‘truck’. The ‘euclidean2D’ and ‘manhattan’ options are calculated directly from GPS coordinates, without a road network. Neither of these two options require a data provider. However, the other options rely on road network information and require a data provider. Furthermore, some of those other options are not supported by all data providers. See Data Providers for details.

  • speedMPS (float, Conditional, default as None) – Speed of the vehicle, in units of meters per second. For route types that are not road-network based (i.e., ‘euclidean2D’ and ‘manhattan’), this field is required to calculate travel times. Otherwise, if a route type already incorporates travel speeds from road network data, (i.e., ‘fastest’, ‘shortest’, and ‘pedestrain’), this input argument may be ignored. If provided, speedMPS will override travel speed data used by the route type option.

  • dataProvider (string, Conditional, default as None) – Specifies the data source to be used for obtaining the travel data. See Data Providers for options and requirements.

  • dataProviderArgs (dictionary, Conditional, default as None) – For some data providers, additional parameters are required (e.g., API keys or database names). See Data Providers for the additional arguments required for each supported data provider.


  • time (float) – Travel time from the start location to the end location. Units are determined by outputTimeUnits, which default to be in seconds.

  • dist (float) – Distance from the start location to the end location. Units are determined by outputDistUnits, which default to be in meters.


getTimeDistScalar2D() is similar to getTimeDist2D(), but instead of returning matrices and vectors, getTimeDistScalar2D() returns two scalars for the travel time and distances between start and end locations.


Import veroviz and check if the version is up-to-date:
>>> import veroviz as vrv
>>> vrv.checkVersion()
Example 1
>>> import os
>>> [timeSec, distMeters] = vrv.getTimeDistScalar2D(
...     startLoc         = [42.80, -78.80],
...     endLoc           = [42.90, -78.80],
...     routeType        = 'fastest',
...     dataProvider     = 'ORS-online',
...     dataProviderArgs = {'APIkey': os.environ['ORSKEY']})
>>> print("Travel time in seconds: %.2f" % (timeSec))
>>> print("Distance in meters: %.2f" % (distMeters))
Travel time in seconds: 1134.74
Distance in meters: 13891.61
Example 2 - This example includes all functional arguments:
>>> [timeMin, distMiles] = vrv.getTimeDistScalar2D(
...     startLoc         = [42.80, -78.80],
...     endLoc           = [42.90, -78.80],
...     outputTimeUnits  = 'minutes',
...     outputDistUnits  = 'miles',
...     routeType        = 'fastest',
...     speedMPS         = None,
...     dataProvider     = 'ORS-online',
...     dataProviderArgs = {'APIkey': os.environ['ORSKEY']})
>>> [timeMin, distMiles]
[18.912333333333333, 8.631867722171823]